Ivanka pri Dunaji
Spojena skola pôdohospodárska a veterinárna (ISCED 3) in Ivanka pri Dunaji provides upper secondary general and vocational education for more than 500 students, aged 15-19. Our students come from all regions of Slovakia. There are 65 teachers and tutors at school, dormitory and other school facilities and 70 other staff members.
The study programmes cover agro-entrepreneurship, transport and logistics,
and tourism. Our school is the only one in Slovakia with a specialisation in bioenergetics.
The school is located in the Danubeland Region, the most important agricultural area in Slovakia with a huge reserve of groundwater. It is recognised as the region with a high potential in the field of renewable energy and environmental technology, but we are only at the beginnings. Our students learn about the production of energy from renewable sources, we cooperate with research centres, associations and companies focused on using agricultural biomass, producing biofuels and applying environmental technologies in agricultural entrepreneurship.